Saturday 26 March 2022

The Beauty Of Nature and Why It Is So Important Right Now!

How Important Is Nature?
It's easy to forget what is all around us each and every minute. It has taken something like the pandemic to make us really look at what we're missing, one of those being the beauty of nature. Walks to the park, camping trips in the countryside and holidays abroad are no longer an option. Whilst we are sitting at home, gazing out of our windows, it really does make you think how precious our environment really is for helping us to thrive. It's during this time that I have come to the realisation that the world outside is one of the things we should never take for granted and today I would like to honour my thoughts.

With what little we were once able to do, daily walks were something which had become a necessity for every household under strict lockdown restrictions. I'm not much of an exercise-fanatic, but even I had been taking my daily exercise, and there were more people than ever out and about with their loved ones to soak up nature's beauty and reap the rewards of the great outdoors.

We all know how physically beneficial nature is to us humans - it is trees that give us the oxygen we need to breathe, but since going into lockdown in March 2020, it seems it has been paramount for our mental and emotional wellbeing too. Anything from the sounds of birds singing, the rustling of leaves, even the sound of your own footsteps can be both soothing and therapeutic, particularly for those who need a bit of escapism or to learn positive self-care practices. For all of my photographer friends out there, they have also been enjoying this time to explore. Beautiful photos of empty woodland, butterfly activity and streets left undisturbed have been circulating the Internet more gradually over the last few months, and what a mesmerising sight they are to see.

The last few years has not only allowed us to appreciate nature for what it is, but also to reconnect with loved ones. If you live in a busy household without much time together, now with the more time together you need, you too could venture outdoors to nearby parks or woodland to not only enjoy the surroundings, but to spend time with the ones you love.

Hopefully with the climate change crisis among us, this recent pandemic has been the start of a permanent change for the treatment of Mother Nature, she has been too good to us since the beginning of time, why is it that we still continue to destroy what is around us now we are well aware of the consequences? It has been the glimmer of hope for a number of people who perhaps live alone or in rural areas with little else to do and overall has enhanced our connectivity with nature once more.

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