Friday 4 February 2022

Pros and Cons To Napping Throughout The Day...

I have many friends in which say they nap throughout the day when they can, just because their job and social life leaves them tired. I never sleep in the day, only doing so a couple of times in my lifetime with severe illness which left me bed-bound. There's not really much else you can do when you are that poorly. However it has caused so much controversy in my group of friends, some say it's beneficial to helping your mind stay healthy and your body well relaxed, while others say that extra naps will only have a detrimental affect on your body such as increasing the chances of heart issues. It's time to clear up the confusion with a clear list of pros and cons to napping!

The first thing to mention is how long naps are. Short naps are supposedly healthy, and can improve concentration for a few hours afterwards, as long as they are before around midday so it won't have an impact on how you sleep later on in the night. Longer naps are not recommended as it will affect how you sleep during the night, and it certainly isn't the answer if you have trouble sleeping, but it is more probable that constant daytime napping is the cause of the issue to begin with! Napping can increase the effects of fatigue due to stress, illness or jet lag, so it is best to relax without falling asleep.

Pros and Cons To Napping During The Day
The most productive naps in which you wake up feeling refreshed is where you are at maximum comfort (typically in our own beds), without noise, when reasonably dark and at a good temperature. That way your body will wake you up naturally rather than from outside sources such as noise or sunlight. Bad habits come about when you find yourself napping away from your bed, many people struggle to sleep during the day without being in bed, so if you manage to with ease, it may be a sign that you should begin to fix your sleeping habits. It is at this point you may begin to notice that naps have a negative effect on you, such as not feeling very refreshed after waking, and rather the opposite, tired, disorientated, and need of another nap.

So my advice? Stick to the nighttime routine.

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