Tuesday 26 September 2023

Some Of The World's Most Beautiful Birds!

Birds are beautiful creatures aren't they? Whether they can fly or not, or even if we've ever seen a particular species in-person, there are some real beauties out there that some of us may never get to enjoy in our lifetimes. Take a peek below to see my list of the world's most beautiful birds!


Flamingoes are a type of wading bird that are undoubtedly famous for their bright pink feathers, thin legs and curved 'S-Shape' neck. These birds are so recognisable that they are in many zoos around the world, even having a UK theme park named after them in Yorkshire! What many people do not know is the diet of a flamingo... They actually eat plankton, which are tiny water plants and creatures such as algae or shrimps that tend to float in the water, making them easy pickings. Their pink feathers are as a result of the chemicals in the plankton they eat. What may not be surprising is that flamingoes are extremely sociable birds which tend to flock in groups varying from a few pairs to tens of thousands!

Indian Peafowl

The Indian Peafowl (more commonly known as the peacock) is a beautiful bird native to India and Sri Lanka, preferring drier habitats. This bird is a very significant symbol in India and is recognised in Hinduism belief as the mount of the God of War. They are becoming a more common choice in zoos around the world due to their beauty and unmistakable vibrant feathers. The male Indian Peafowl have large blue bodies and spread their colourful, spotted train tail feathers when seeking to attract a female.

Here are some informative videos on the Indian Peafowl and its behaviour in the wild:

It is predicted that there is over 10,000 of this species left in the wild, which for such a rare bird is a very good indicator that they are thriving and continue to have great success every mating season. In 1963, it was declared the national bird of India and was given protection status.

Blue Jay

The Blue Jay is a perching bird native to the eastern parts of North America, it is extremely common in this part of the world, but to fresh eyes it is an absolutely beautiful species that many of us (myself included!) would love to see up close. It has a rounded fluffy chest, with an array of blue, grey, white and black feathers and is a very vocal songbird.

Here are some informative videos on the Blue Jay and its behaviour in the wild:

These birds aren't only lovely singers and mesmerising to look at, but they are incredibly intelligent and adaptable to changes in their surroundings, meaning they are seen in all weathers.

Northern Cardinal

Exotic Bird Park

The Northern Cardinal is a medium-sized foraging songbird with an average size of between 21cm to 23cm, a short, thick bill and a long tail. Its most recognisable feature is the scarlet red crest on its head and black 'mask' on its face. They are known to have a complex nest structure and unique egg patterns and settle in trees in an almost hunched-over position. Despite the beauty in both genders, its the male that takes the cake for its vibrant colouring and unique patterning, these birds are not common at all, even stumping bird-spotters!

Here are some informative videos on the Northern Cardinal and its behaviour in the wild:

They are easily one of the most striking birds known to mankind, hence their place on this list. They have only been discovered in seven eastern-American states, most of them towards the southeast and a few have been spotted in Mexico.

Golden Pheasant

A rare bird with a fitting name, the Golden Pheasant (sometimes the Rainbow Pheasant or Chinese Pheasant) is a mesmerising creature most commonly found in parts of the UK and China. There are many venues in the England with the same name which tend to have these birds as visitors in order to honour them. They are mainly inhabitants of forests or dense woodland and are aloof game birds who tend to avoid people.

Here are some informative videos on the Golden Pheasant and its behaviour in the wild:

The Golden Pheasant is most comfortable in mountainous and subtropical forests, but are more recently
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becoming domesticated on farms, petting zoos or even as backyard pets!

Keel-Billed Toucan

The Keel-Billed Toucan or Rainbow-Billed Toucan is a colourful Latin American bird with an unmistakable rainbow-coloured bill. These birds are often seen in pairs and are unusual to spot in larger groups. Despite the heaviness of their bill, they are successful fliers, only needing a few flaps to keep their weight in the air for a significant amount of time...

Here are some informative videos on the Keel-Billed Toucan and its behaviour in the wild:

They are most commonly spotted in tropical rainforests from South Mexico to South America, including Belize, where they are a protected species. These are large birds with mainly black feathers so can be difficult to see at first glance, but with a bright yellow throat and multicoloured bill, you will have no problems being able to tell just what kind of toucan out of over 40 species, you have spotted.

Unfortunately, due to the extreme habitat loss in rainforests, these birds are taking a steady decline in numbers which has only been accelerating in recent years as they are also hunted for the pet trade.

Baltimore Oriole

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These North American song birds are known for their unique whistling and are often found in back gardens near homes or local parks around springtime. It is a small migratory breeding bird which use more open areas such as woodland or forest edges in search of a mate and drink nectar as their main source of nutrients. Every Baltimore Oriole spends the majority of their time feeding, and do so higher up in the treetops in search of not only flowers, but insects and fruit too!

Here are some informative videos on the Baltimore Oriole and its behaviour in the wild:

Measuring between 7-8½ inches with a bright orange and black body, these are one of the brightest and most recognisable bird species in the region and contain the colours of 17th-century coat of arms they were named after, that of Lord Baltimore. The Baltimore Oriole is also the official state bird of Maryland, and has since lent its name to the states' baseball team.

Red-Crested Turaco

The Red-Crested Turaco is and African bird commonly found in Western Angola, of which it is the national bird. Both brightly coloured and on the larger side, these birds show off a beautiful array of colour, including a white face with distinctive red feathers, a long tail and a largely-green body. This species in particular has red eyes and yellow-green beak to add to their striking appearance. What makes
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the Red-Crested Turaco so unique is that it is the only bird in the world with both a red and green colouration.

Here are some informative videos on the Red-Crested Turaco and its behaviour in the wild:

As these birds are only found in the tropical rainforests of Angola, there is little known about them and study of them is few and far between.

Bohemian Waxwing

The Bohemian Waxwing is a small, reddish-brown Starling-like perching bird that is most commonly found in the forests of North America. They have rounded bodies with pointed wings, a black throat, and a distinctive crest on the top of their head. The diet of a Bohemian Waxwing consists largely of fruit and they can be found as far as Canada searching for food during non-breeding season.

During the winter months, it isn't uncommon to see these birds arrive in the United Kingdom to feed on berries, which can be scarce elsewhere at this time of year.

Unlike other Waxwing species, the Bohemian Waxwing are slightly larger, more grey in colour, and have much less yellow colouring to their feathers, except for the tip of their tail. Their wing patterns also vary wildly from other species, making them among the most easy to spot.

In the warmer Summer months, you can find these birds hunting flying insects as they become more populous in their habitat.

Nicobar Pigeon

A much rarer bird than many on this list, the Nicobar Pigeon is most commonly found on coastal areas of the small islands in and around India, and is much like a small peacock in the respect that it has an unmistakably beautiful array of colourful feathers trailing from its neck. The colours displayed on this bird consist of green, blue, grey and orange.
Trapping Songbirds In Cyprus

Here are some informative videos on the Nicobar Pigeon and its behaviour in the wild:

As one of the most beautiful species of pigeon in the world, because of its small and very specific habitat, the Nicobar Pigeon is listed as a 'Near Threatened' species with populations steadily declining as a result of being captured for food or to be moved to the pet trade industry. Its iridescent feathers make it a prized choice for hunters, which is beginning to take its toll on the population as a whole.

Once living alongside another famous, yet long-extinct species of bird, the Nicobar Pigeon is the only member of the Caloenas genus remaining and the last known living relative of the Dodo.

These birds are most comfortable in rainforests or marshy climates and rely heavily on seeds, fruit and small insects to make up most, if not all of their diet.

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