Wednesday 27 November 2019

What To Do When The Weather Is Keeping You Indoors:

DIY Bedroom Makeover
It's right in the middle of the cold months for the Northern Hemisphere (and if you're reading from the Southern Hemisphere, I hope you're enjoying the sun!) The weekends are long, the nights are dark, and the weather rather dreary. When the weather is warm we all want to go outside, on holiday, to the park, going on long walks with the dog or even sitting in your back garden soaking up the sun. But right now we know this isn't possible, and perhaps for another few weeks we won't be enjoying much warmth.

Don't fret! I've piled together a short list of things you can do alone or with your household to pass the time indoors.

★ Find The Warmest Part Of The House To Engage In A Stay-Put Activity

If like me, your time away from stress is sitting in bed reading, watching your favourite movie or binge-watching a TV series, this may be for you. Luckily for me, I would much rather do these things in the comfort of my own home than venture outside and it is certainly something I find enjoyable during the colder months. The activity you choose is entirely up to you, so long as it doesn't require you to move an inch! So basically what I'm saying is, you have a free ticket to stay in bed as long as you like, assuming you have nothing else to do!

★ Nap

It's common knowledge that we feel more tired and moody during the cold weather, you can blame the lack of serotonin for that. In Summer, where sunlight is plentiful, it makes us feel happy because of the serotonin emitted from the Sun, telling us to be awake as we are programmed to sleep during the night where no Sun is present. During the Winter months, the Sun isn't out for as long, and the nights draw in quicker, meaning we often feel more tired. An easy solve would be to nap, not only does it knock a few hours out of the already longer days, but it also allows you to wake up feeling more refreshed, especially if you wake up to a beautiful daylight.

★ Play With A Pet Or Young Family Member

If you have neither in your household, this isn't applicable to you. However if you do have a small friend in the house with you, there's no better time to bond than when neither of you can go outside. Both pets and young children can find staying indoors boring, and we both know that boredom leaves to misbehaviour! To keep them from completely tearing the house up, it is worth entertaining them where you can, it'll make the whole staying-in process a lot less boring for them and for you!

★ Exercise Indoors

Are you a keen work-out fanatic? It must be frustrating to wake up to a miserable day and decide to skip the morning run. But don't worry you can exercise whilst staying warm and dry, your home can be your gym for the weekend! With plenty of obstacles around the home such as stairs, beds, rugs, pillows, or substitute weights (my favourite being large bottles of water), there is plenty to do with what is around you. There are plenty of tutorials and videos available online to guide you through DIY work-outs for this very purpose, so it's worth looking into. Just remember to stay safe at all times!

★ Bond With Loved Ones

When was the last time you and your significant other cuddled under a blanket whilst poking fun at your favourite show? Have your called your sister recently to see how her new job is going? Now is the perfect opportunity. We all are guilty of saying we would call someone and completely forgetting, so it is worth making a list of people to catch-up with so when the weather is less-than-appealing, you can check in with those you love. In the age of technology we are lucky that we can contact others without having to move an inch, and this is one of the many benefits to an inter-connected world. With those in our household it is even easier, nominate someone to cook a meal, chat over dinner, huddle around the television watching your favourite sport together or even participate in some very competitive Monopoly (and trust me, it will cause conflict.) Whatever it is you decide to do, it is sure to pass the time with those that matter.

★ Tidy The House

Not the most exciting idea on this list, but among the most effective. Anyone and everyone can participate, even by assigning family members different rooms to tidy. Nothing feels better than having a good clear out, and what better time than a day with nothing better to do and nowhere to go! It's being productive with your free time, and at least when the weather does warm up, you haven't got to do it again! It's surprising how satisfying it is to look at a pristine room knowing that all your hard work has gone into it looking this way and even if you can't clean up every room in the house, it's a start, until the next rainy day comes!

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