Thursday 4 April 2024

What Makes The Perfect Engagement Ring?

Choose The Perfect Style!
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of engagement rings is the stone, specifically the shape of it. There are so many to pick from that even I would be torn in hundreds of directions. The key to figuring out what is best for you is to think about the person's general personality and what they would think. A more traditional person would appreciate a more modest, rounded gemstone, a romantic may opt for a heart-shaped stone, and someone with a love for jewellery might prefer a larger, more unique type of shape that will get noticed and stand out from the rest of their gems!

Next of course comes the metal used. Thankfully, it is usually quite easy to gauge just what metal is best, if it hasn't already come up in conversation, have a sneak peak in their jewellery stash and see what their favourite pieces to wear are, or what the majority are made from. Popular choices are gold, white gold and platinum, which are all equally as beautiful in their own right. Just make sure you are aware of any possible allergies to certain types of metal before purchasing to avoid any disappointment and nasty side-effects!

Things get a little more complicated when it comes to the details... Carat size is rarely thought of but it really ought to be. Not only will it depend on your budget but many people (including myself) wouldn't want to wear a ring that has too much value for fear of losing or damaging it, or it being stolen. Those with smaller hands would also need to have a smaller size to avoid it being too heavy or seeming out-of-place. Remember, carat size is not a reflection of how much you love them, but how much thought you have put into what you think would be most desirable to your other half.

Get measured correctly! As difficult as this may be if it is a surprise, there are a few ways to tackle how to figure out the size you need to buy without asking them directly. The first way is to ask around to friends, family members or even colleagues that you trust not to give the game away, it's unlikely they will be able to know off of the top of their heads but they can certainly take a closer look next time around for you. The second way is something I am guilty of when buying jewellery for someone else, is waiting for them to remove it (typically before a shower) and then taking a quick look while they aren't there. It's important to try your best not to get caught as you will definitely have some explaining to do - I'm not sure what's worse, confessing you're preparing to propose or attempting to convince them you wasn't trying to steal it!

Ever thought about how the engagement ring will look with the wedding ring side-by-side? No? Don't worry, most people skip over this part too... Although it doesn't seem important right now, you're not married just yet, it is important to consider. For example, having two rings of different metals isn't always a good look. Don't get me wrong, I know a few friends that have done this, but it is a risky move as not everyone will feel the same way. If the engagement ring is too plain, it may be easily confused with the wedding ring, particularly if the band width is the same size and the gemstone is similar in colour or size.

Always buy certified products, no matter what. You think this would be a given, but in the age of online shopping and convenience, there are many fraudsters out there trying to claim they have valuable jewellery when it's anything but that. Authentic online goods will have certification and all of the details visible for you to see. When your rings arrive, it's worth checking the certification to make sure they match up with the actual ring you have purchased, specifically the gemstone. It's not unknown for sellers to try their luck by sending out an incorrect certificate which has no relevance to your purchase at all. If anything is missing or the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Steer clear!

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