Monday 2 January 2023

Be My Sweetheart: Top Tips For Securing A Date!

Asking someone out is pretty stressful, we've all been there. "She's out of my league", or "he can do better than me" - common thoughts we all have which hold no substance at all! Love is blind as they say, and I can speak from experience by saying that some of the partners I've had in the past were not showy about their looks, and ended up being some of the nicest guys I've been with, some of them are still friends with me to this day! Of course making an effort helps, but don't beat yourself up if your hair gel has gone off or your mascara is clumpy, if a person is interested, they won't care about any of that, plus it's a good conversation starter!

Be Yourself
★ Location, Location, Location! (But not the TV show...)

You may not have got to the dating bit yet, but where you are when confessing your feelings to someone it is just as important. At school surrounded by their friends, or in the office being supervised by higher-ups, it is probably not an ideal time. It's best to approach this person one-on-one, at a time you know they can spare a few minutes with nowhere better to be. While this can be tricky it definitely improves your chances, I know few people who would agree to a date while their sniggering best friends stand by to watch, sometimes even if they are interested they would undoubtedly say no just to try and avoid the torment which will inevitably come afterwards. Not only does this make the chance of a date increase, but you may be able to squeeze the true feelings out of the other person, perhaps this whole time they've felt the same about you but have been waiting for 'the right moment', now this is your right moment!

★ Prepare For The Conversation Afterwards...

It's easy to plan how to confess to someone, but now what? We spend so much time pondering over just how we are going to do it that we don't even give a glance to the all-important conversation afterwards! This conversation will be awkward, even if they accept your feelings. If they feel the same way about you, that's great - but the dreaded after-conversation will most likely contain unnecessary comments about the weather, or a straight-up goodbye if you can't think of nothing further to say. Of course, even if they dismiss your feelings and don't feel the same, an awkward talk is still due to iron out exactly why you feel a certain way, and why they don't, without the lingering awkwardness of 'the last time we spoke you confessed your undying love for me'. So to avoid leaving the conversation as dry as an out-of-date Dorito, try and plan ahead, who knows, your ability to handle such an awkward situation may impress them!

★ Learn From Past Mistakes!

We've all made them, whether it's your 12-year-old self trying to kiss someone you don't even know has the slightest interest in you, or a confession of a lifetime in front of the entire school, mistakes are bound to happen, particularly in your early days of 'dating'. If you're here though, that's a positive, you're actively looking to learn and avoid these mistakes already! This will differ from person to person, but whatever bad experiences you've had in the past, as awful as they may seem at the time, they are all part of the process, ultimately leading up to a successful date!

Sentimental Gift Ideas
★ Be Interested!

This says without going, of course the person you want to date is interesting to you, but you would be surprised how little you know about someone until you actually get to sit down and talk to them. If you're at the awkward after-conversation and they pull out their beloved set of collectable mini action figures, be pleasant, even if you decide that after this conversation the other person isn't for you. If they're willing to speak about something unusual and private, it's a good sign they want you to be interested in them and
could even trust you a little bit at this stage, so don't make them regret it by shaming them. Even if nothing mentioned is particularly 'interesting', if you take an active interest by asking questions or adding to their story, you're making things miles easier for yourself - it's scientifically proven that if you take an interest in another, they will automatically take an interest in you!

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