Friday 20 September 2019

How To Build Self-Esteem!

The age old question.. "How do I regain the confidence to do something after it's been knocked?" - not the easiest question to answer, but I'll certainly give it a good go. We all suffer with self-esteem troubles in areas we don't find as easy, or as comfortable dealing with, I can certainly admit I feel this way a lot, but I do try to work on my self-esteem as much as possible.

Three Exercises For Self-Esteem
A few summary points before we begin:

★ Think positively of yourself.

★ Don't try and hide how you really feel.

★ Distract yourself from any negativity.

★ Remind yourself that nobody, absolutely nobody is perfect.

★ Everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay.

★ Differentiate between what you can improve on, and what can't be changed to avoid impossible goals.

★ Act on what you want to, don't try and improve yourself because that's what someone else has told you to do. Allow yourself and only yourself to decide.

★ Give yourself a pat on the back for any seemingly small achievement and don't compare yourself to others, we all find different things difficult.

Unfortunately one of the biggest links to mental health conditions is lack of self-esteem, notably Anxiety and Depression, as you've probably already guessed. It's the little knowledge on how to build your own confidence that has led to it becoming such an issue. Once you find out how to keep your mind positive, everything else gets mounds easier, and it is actually very preventable.

Many mental health charities pride themselves on informing the population on self-esteem, from how to increase it, to spotting when things might be going wrong, and what consequences may ensue when it is lacking.

In my opinion, the best site I have come across for all of this information is 'Mind', a UK-based charity specialising in mental health.


Emily's Note For Readers:

If you are feeling overly depressed, anxious or suicidal to the point it is affecting your daily life and your thoughts - please contact a helpline straight away. If you don't know where to turn, there are plenty of sources online which can direct you to the correct sites or contacts you may need. Don't suffer in silence.

I recommend UK based site HOPELINEUK (Papyrus UK), a suicide prevention charity.

Link to the site is here:

We are so critical of ourselves that many would say that we are the problem, and I must say that I agree. I have noticed such a significant change in my own mindset just by changing my attitude. Instead of thinking "why can't you do this, it's so easy", I would tell myself "don't worry, you'll get there". Every positive thought is a step closer to a more confident you.

The only opinion that matters in life is your own, seriously.

You like that shirt? Buy it. You listen to different music? That's cool. You eat pizza with pineapple as a topping? Go for it.

As always, here are some awesome videos about self-esteem to find out more!

Self Esteem - Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem -
Top 5 Self-Confidence Books

How To Build Your Self-Esteem - Brian Tracy

3 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem - watchwellcast

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